Always Coaching offers interactive parenting community workshops that provide effective tools for parenting teens through adolescence into young adulthood. The Parenting Coaches are Masters level counselors who bring a wealth of family dynamics training, clinical experience combined with a passion for strengthening families. Ado-Lessons is geared toward providing meaningful and useful tools to address the challenges that children face. Parents of all ages are encouraged to participate in this parenting class as it offers foresight to tailoring your parenting to avoid some unnecessary future challenges.
Through Ado-Lessons, parents will learn to incorporate techniques to help their adolescent make the shift into adulthood.
Ado-Lessons address issues ranging from:
- Absent parents
- Addressing peer pressure and bullying
- Blended families/step-parents/relative caregivers
- Boundary setting
- Communicating with your child/ren
- Family conflict/parental conflict
- Healthy consequence/ rewards
- Impacts on children of alcohol/drug abuse by family members
- Overcoming outside influences
- Parent/child reunification
- Prepping for adolescence
- Separating/Divorcing parents
- Technology on our child/ren
- The grief process
- What our kids REALLY need
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Offer this valuable parenting workshop where your participants will learn to train their children to develop self-discipline, responsibility, cooperation and problem-solving skills.